
2020 - Present

2020 - Present
“She creates visually compelling UX, with expertise in visual design, illustration, and design systems, while ensuring strong interaction design and product thinking for user-focused solutions.”
I worked as a product designer and product illustrator at Yahoo since 2020. I’ve been part of the News Design team and Commerce Design team and done a wide range of work. Here I want to highlight some of the projects I’ve done in the past. Due to confidentiality, the details of those work are only available upon request ☺️.

1. My Yahoo Refresh


Desktop / Web

My Role

Widget responsive guideline, visual styling, dark theme and iconography.

Project Overview is a widget-based legacy Yahoo product allowing users to personalize content they see. In 2020, I led the effort of revamping its visual system to reflect the new brand image of Yahoo, and how users engage with content today.
The redesign effort for My Yahoo not only brought the site back to life from graveyard, but also initiates design refresh for and other verticals with widget based approaches.

2. Controller Study



My Focus

Micro-interaction, visual design, prototype

Project Overview is visited by 5 million users daily where they come to Yahoo to stay connected with their favorite topics including Sports, News, and Finance. In this study, my aim was to holistically improve the visual and interactive aspects of the UX of the controller component in the next generation of The controller should adapt to many other modules, such as Technology news, Newsletter, Deals for you, etc. Proposed the new micro-interaction and visual design of the My Teams module and delivered the prototype that demonstrates the new module interaction for engineering handoff.

3. Illustration & Icon Design

Project Overview

I’m thankful for the opportunity to lead the creative process and execution of Yahoo’s 2020 Illustration System. The illustrations are being used across the Yahoo ecosystems including Yahoo Home, Yahoo Mail, Yahoo News, and Yahoo Sports with more than 5M+ monthly impressions.
The deck below demonstrates many characters, illustrations, icons, and holiday doodles that are designed to speak to Yahoo’s vibrant brand identity through an array of visual styles.

4. Yahoo Shops


Desktop & Mobile Web

My Focus

UX & UI, Illustration

Personalized Onboarding

Yahoo Shops is Yahoo’s new Commerce initiative in 2021. Its mission is to connect US shoppers with Direct-To-Customers (DTC) brands they love and provide a personalized shopping experience through innovative design solutions. The personalized onboarding user experience enables shoppers to discover new, relevant DTC goods based on their preferences and personality traits through completing a style quiz. I was one of the lead designers who established and delivered the visual direction, interactions, user flows, and the illustrations of Yahoo Shop’s personalized onboarding experience.

About Page

Yahoo Shop’s About page contains general information about the shopping platform and gives shoppers additional information on the affiliated DTC brands. It is also an entry point for sellers who are interested in selling with Yahoo Shops. I was the lead designer of the Yahoo Shop’s About page, and my deliverables include a responsive web layout for mobile and desktop, brand illustration, and iconography.

5. Olympic Pictograms

My role

Lead designer


2.5 weeks (2021 Summer Olympic) 1 week (2022 Winter Olympic)

Project overview

Created a Yahoo-branded 2021 Olympic and 2022 Winter Olympic icon set. More than 50 icons were released to Yahoo Search and Yahoo Sports.